Dipl.-Kffr. Annegret Wegmann
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47279 Duisburg
Telefon: 0173-5216331
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Medical team at the hospital von StockPhotoPro via Adobe Stock
doctors discuss an x-ray ,sitting in the office. von ASDF via Adobe Stock
background image of a successful group of doctors on a white background von ASDF via Adobe Stock
Young nurse working at the hospital von stokkete via Adobe Stock
Smiling female doctor standing with medical colleagues in a hosp von Flamingo Images via Adobe Stock
Team of medical doctors raising hands together on white background. Unity concept von New Africa via Adobe Stock
Medical team reading documents together in the hospital von WavebreakMediaMicro via Adobe Stock
Medical team discussing with each other in hospital von WavebreakMediaMicro via Adobe Stock
Afrikanischer Medizin Student begrüßt Oberarzt von Robert Kneschke via Adobe Stock
African American female doctor working at a desk with colleagues von Flamingo Images via Adobe Stock
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